For all you that regularly follow my blog, you'll know I'm an Irish dancer. Last weekend I competed at the Great British Championships and came over all 6th (I was 2nd British girl though, wooo!) meaning I got my highest major place ever. Naturally as I was away for the whole weekend, I used the excuse of 'celebrating' for the next two nights to go out with all my friends in Irish dancing, as some of them are from America, Canada and Ireland I don't get to see them regularly, so we made it a serious night to remember!
Sorry for the poor quality of photos, but it was one of those weekends where you definitely did not want to bring your camera. Mattresses from an apartment ended up down the street, I hid in a wardrobe from security, people where dancing on tables, climbing and braking in to childrens play areas and we did a fair few drunken jigs. The morning after we where all hanging incredibly bad and swapped stories, my belly has never hurt so much from laughing. A week on I can safely say I've recovered, even though it did take five days for my voice to come back!