Friday, April 26

Dress to Impress

All: Aqua by Aqua

My friend recently wore a dress by this make, I asked her where it was from and she said, Aqua. A make that I'd never heard of before. There website is full of block colored dresses and playsuits, With deep neck lines and cut outs, theses where just a few of my favorite designs. But its definitely worth checking out their website. 

Tuesday, April 16

Wish List

1/ That Ring  2/Those Sunglasses  3/That Puppy  4/Her Hair  5/That Mug  6/Her Jumper 

Sunday, April 7

The Worlds Ball

Dress: New Look 

I spent a rather drunken last night in Boston at the ball, had an amazing night with the dancing lot as always, got a little too drunk and didn't get much sleep, but danced and sang the night away!

I decided to do something a little different with my hair on this night (I often wear it up, but in buns, either on the side, top or bottom of my head). Instead I curled my hair, back combed it and out it in a low pony tail. I'd definitely recommend people trying this as it would suit most people, easy to do and I didn't see another person at the ball with hair like it! 

Wednesday, April 3

A Day in Boston

Scarf: H&M  Leather Jacket: H&M  Top: Gilly Hicks  Bag: Guess  Jeans: Jack Wills

My Last day in Boston was spent at Newbury street, it was just a couple of blocks away from my hotel. The shopping was fab (I'll share some of my purchases in an upcoming post) and is full of beautiful places to eat, as it was such a gorgeous day we decided to sit outside, something I won't be able to do for a good few months back in England. 

I always love going to America, but Boston wasn't a place i'd of thought of going, its definitely worth taking a trip though (especially for all you shoppers as its the cheapest tax in the US) . 

I'm already missing the clam chowder and ice tea! 